Scripture Contradiction

Question: What are the steps to Salvation according to Romans 6:3-4 and Mark 16:16?


What here appears to be Contradiction, is because of timing, re. the two verses!

They are both correct in their time of pronouncement!

Mark was stated in AD29, and was valid at the time our Lord spoke; as He was always speaking to Israel; see Matt.15:24!

Romans was written by the great Apostle Paul in AD 58–9, and was after his understanding and therefore his teaching was corrected by Heavenly contact and vision; and he was dealing mainly with the Jews and the Synagogues, right up to Acts 28:25–28; when they (as the last Synagogue), rejected Jesus’ Salvation; and Jesus as their Messiah!  Paul also at that stage enacted the prophecy of Isa.6:9–10; which transferred Almighty God’s first priority to the Gentiles of the world; which is still the case, until the prophecy of Zech.12:10 is active; and which shows in Romans 11:25–27, and 9:24–33!

So in conclusion; your question is answered by the current state of Almighty God’s Will; which is that if your heart is open to Christ Jesus Messiah, and you take Him in Faith; you are Saved from death; and you have eternal life!

If you can find a good Christian Group to join; it will help in your journey!  Always check all teaching against the Bible, and never accept any wrong or doubtful teaching; which the Lord’s Holy Spirit will always give an answer to when prayerfully requested!


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